Echo "*N*e[1m*e[31m*e[3m MIDNITE MESS #2 INSTALLER v1.0*e[0m*N*N To run Midnite Mess from Workbench you need a *N complete installen WB and 1.5M free RAM.*N There can be problems if you only have *N 512K Chip-Mem.*N*NEnter path you want to install Midnite Mess to:"
Assign >NIL: MM: ?
Echo "ERROR: Unable to find path..."
skip Ende
Makedir >NIL: MM:MidniteMess
FailAt 10
Echo "Copying Mainprogramm..."
Copy >NIL: "Midnite Mess #2 Disk A:MM" TO MM:
Echo "Creating Startup-File..."
Ask "Have you got Kickstart 3.0 (A1200/A4000) (Y/N)?"